The Super Rich

Chase them crazy baldheads out of our town

In an interview with The Guardian newspaper, the Prime Minister of Belize, Johnny Briceño, affirmed that it was "highly probable" that his country would be the next country to become a republic.

Why are the rich getting richer?

How did billionaires get so rich so quick and how come they are getting richer by the day?

Fantastic Voyages

Men and women have been imagining journeys to far off and magical realms since the dawn of recorded history. Civilisations have left tales of fantastic voyages on magic carpets, of odysseys to strange lands, populated by weird and wonderful creatures on distant islands. The earliest Romances had knights travelling on quests to fight mythical creatures.  Jules Verne imagined a journey to the centre of the earth and twenty thousand leagues under the sea.

How to list a yacht

When listing for charter, the specification of the yacht needs to be accurately described in order to advertise and promote efficiently. The details need...

The Luna Saga : the plot thickens

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. 

A Classic Yacht

The Nahlin was one of the last of the steam age yachts, powered by four steam engines. The sails were purely decorative.  Inside, the style was all on-trend modernity. The name itself has Native American origins, meaning  “fleet of foot”.

Lord of the Yachts

It came as no surprise when news broke that the comfortably wealthy boss of Amazon Jeff Bezos, had put pen to paper and signed...

Revere the REV

REV Ocean the most technically sophisticated private yacht on the planet, has one purpos: to protect the very same oceans that its billionaire owner exploited for decades to accumulate the vast wealth that he now uses to support his environmental charities

Maldives Attracts Stunning Superyachts during Covid-19

A fascinating travel destination and a favourite of superyachts, the Maldives is one of the few top cruising destinations lifting Covid-19 restrictions and is...

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